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Singing of the sacred Soul Song "Love Peace and Harmony"


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One Song can change the world

Everything has its own vibratory field, and each of our vibrational fields are connected in the quantum field of the collective. When we align with the vibrations of love, peace and harmony, we are not only uplifting our lives, we are uplifting the whole world.

Recent scientific studies have shown specific sound frequencies that relate to different parts of the body. Therapeutic sound healing balances our energy, and restores our natural harmony and well-being. The Love Peace Harmony song carries a powerful frequency and vibration of greatest love, forgiveness, compassion and light.

When we resonate with this frequency, something magical happens—it sets off a chain reaction of love, peace, and harmony in them. And this isn’t just some abstract idea; it’s backed up by growing research that shows how music and sound can help us emotionally, reduce stress, and bring a sense of inner peace.

The Love Peace Harmony song has been credited with many deeply transformative experiences by many people around the world who have experienced it.

Love, Peace and Harmony Song Lyrics and Meaning

Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha received the Love, Peace and Harmony song on a walk in the Muir Woods Redwood Forest on September 10th, 2005. It is not a simple song, it is a tool for transformation. It is a way to lift the hearts of humanity and mother earth, even in the most challenging times.

First the lyrics were received in Soul Language: 

Lu La Lu La Li

Lu La Lu La La Li

Lu La Lu La Li Lu La

Lu La Li Lu La

Lu La Li Lu La

The English translation of these lyrics is:

I love my heart and soul

I love all humanity

Join hearts and souls together

Love, peace and harmony

Love, peace and harmony

Lu La Lu La Li means I love my heart and soul. Love melts blockages and transforms all life. Love yourself – you have the power to transform.

Lu La Lu La La Li, means I love all humanity. The purpose of life is to serve. To serve is to make others happier, healthier and more empowered.

Lu La Lu La Li Lu La, means Join hearts and souls together. A calling to everyone and everything to unite as one.

Lu La Li Lu La, means Love, peace and harmony. The result of everyone and everything loving themselves, each other and joining together.

When we have billions of people singing the Love Peace Harmony song everyday, we really can create a more loving, peaceful and harmonious world together!


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